Thursday, June 7, 2012

Openings Available!

Learning in community is what CC is all about! We learn in 3 stages. First - we ask questions to learn the grammar (What? When? Where?) of every subject. Second - we see relationships (How? Why?) between various pieces of knowledge. Third - we learn to articulate (Can you explain or persuade?) what we know by speaking and writing about it. We have fun being together also!

We have openings in our 2012-2013 Grants Pass community. Foundations is for ages: 4-11, Essentials is for ages 9-11. Our newest addition is Challenge A which is being directed by Jenifer Noble. This class is for ages 12-14. They will meet on the same day and same place as Foundations and Essentials. It's exciting to see the Lord adding to and expanding our community! We are thankful for the generosity of The Pursuit Church in allowing us to continue meeting there. 

Our mission is to equip parents to be the best teachers for their children, all to the glory of God. The parent continues to be the teacher; we come along side to assist and encourage. 

Contact the directors for more information: 
Peggy, Director of Foundations and Essentials:
Jenifer Noble, Director of Challenge A:

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