Thursday, October 14, 2010

Week 5

The Family Presentation...

Amelia Bedelia learns to play baseball...

or does she?

"Joan of Arc and King Charles VII led the French to defeat England..."
I missed the deFEETing of England (kicking their feet)

Telling a Joke for a Student Presentation

Look at those Abecedarians jumping while skip counting 9's,
or are the students watching their tutor jumping?

Drawing in the Semi-Dark Room
The exciting part of the day was when the electricity
was off for about 45 minutes, and the well
ran out of water to flush the toilets!

Looking at Examples of Perspective Art

Essentials: Task #1

Are you Simple or Compound?
Reviewing the Structures of a Sentence

Reviewing the Purposes of a Sentence- What's a Declarative?

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